Why Managed Accounts Services?

Don’t have the time to actively manage your portfolio? Unsure of how to fulfill your investment goals? Let us help you navigate through the financial markets. 

Through our discretionary portfolio management services, our Portfolio Managers and Analysts will devise a portfolio of assets based on your risk profile to facilitate the efficient allocation of capital and support your investment objectives. 



  • Ownership – Direct ownership of stocks in your name
  • Flexibility – No withdrawal restrictions, no lock-in periods and no hidden or exit fees
  • Transparency – Full view of your portfolio holdings through 24×7 online access and monthly statements
  • Choice – Choice of suites of Managed Accounts solutions to suit your risk profile and investment objectives
  • Diversified portfolio – Catered to individual clients with access to all global asset classes
  • Global Presence – Capitalise on our insights of researchers across local and regional networks

Why Managed Accounts Services?

Don’t have the time to actively manage your portfolio? Unsure of how to fulfill your investment goals? Let us help you navigate through the financial markets. 

Through our discretionary portfolio management services, our Portfolio Managers and Analysts will devise a portfolio of assets based on your risk profile to facilitate the efficient allocation of capital and support your investment objectives. 

  • Ownership – Direct ownership of stocks in your name
  • Flexibility – No withdrawal restrictions, no lock-in periods and no hidden or exit fees
  • Transparency – Full view of your portfolio holdings through 24×7 online access and monthly statements
  • Choice – Choice of suites of Managed Accounts solutions to suit your risk profile and investment objectives
  • Diversified portfolio – Catered to individual clients with access to all global asset classes
  • Global Presence – Capitalise on our insights of researchers across local and regional networks

What is Managed Accounts?

How does it work

You may choose from a varied suite of discretionary managed portfolios which caters to investors with diverse risk profiles and investment objectives.

Be spoilt by the choice of investing in specific regions or sectors while having a diversified portfolio of stocks, Unit Trusts, ETFs and bonds. 

  • DEFINE your investment objectives, risk tolerances, preferences and constraints
  • SELECT your portfolio strategy(ies)
  • BUILD your wealth through our team of professional Portfolio Manager

Important Key information

You may choose from a varied suite of discretionary managed portfolios which caters to investors with diverse risk profiles and investment objectives.

Be spoilt by the choice of investing in specific regions or sectors while having a diversified portfolio of stocks, Unit Trusts, ETFs and bonds. 

  • DEFINE your investment objectives, risk tolerances, preferences and constraints
  • SELECT your portfolio strategy(ies)
  • BUILD your wealth through our team of professional Portfolio Manager


We take an active investment approach in generating portfolio returns. With active management, we aim to add value to our clients’ portfolios through our decisions on asset allocation and security selection. Each Investment Strategy is accompanied by a unique investment approach chosen by portfolio managers to generate returns. We mitigate risks by monitoring market conditions, taking appropriate actions to rebalance clients’ portfolios and implementing loss control measures where necessary. Through disciplined risk management, we balance the risk-return potential of our clients’ portfolios.

List of Managed Accounts Services

Managed Account Service Geographical Focus Risk Profile
Global Growth Leaders Global Growth
Singapore Equity Yield Singapore Income & Growth
Singapore Growth Singapore Growth
Blue Chip Equity Yield Primarily in Asia Pacific Income & Growth
Asian Opportunities Asia Pacific Income & Growth
Phillip Havenport Core Portfolios
  • Havenport Conservative
  • Havenport Moderate
  • Havenport Aggressive
  • Income & Growth
  • Income & Growth
  • Growth
Phillip Havenport SRS Core Portfolios
  • Havenport Moderate
  • Havenport Aggressive
  • Income & Growth
  • Growth
Phillip Havenport Income Portfolio Global Income & Growth
Phillip Havenport Thematic Portfolio Global Growth

Discover our suite of Managed Accounts solutions which starts with an investible capital of $25,000 or more. 

Global Growth Leaders Portfolio

The Global Growth Leaders Portfolio is an innovative discretionary Managed Account Service (“Account”) that combines a traditional stock picking strategy with the innovative Rule of 40 strategy.

The Rule of 40 strategy is formulated from a meticulous evaluation of a company’s 3-year average revenue growth rate and EBITDA margin, aiming for a total of 40% or more.

The Global Growth Leaders Portfolio seeks to achieve a positive total return net of all fees and charges, with a focus on capital appreciation and income. It does so by investing globally across asset classes and geographical areas through authorised investments.

These authorised investments include shares (including preference and ordinary shares), listed warrants, fixed income, unit trusts, closed-end funds, other collective investment schemes, investment trusts, business trusts, Exchange-Traded Funds, Exchange-Traded Notes and other related financial instruments listed on major stock exchanges. Additionally, the Global Growth Leaders Portfolio   also invests in cash equivalents and money market funds.

Inception DateSeptember 2022
Geographical FocusGlobal
Fund SourceCash, SRS, existing non-CPF securities or non-CPF unit trusts
Risk ProfileAggressive. looking for Growth.
Performance and holdingsClick here



How does it work

  • Securities investment is subjected to market risk and specific risk.


  • Securities investment is subjected to market risk and specific risk.