Why Unit Trust
With a wide selection of almost 2,000 funds across various investment objectives, asset classes and geographical regions for you to choose from, you get to diversify your investments. Enjoy 0% platform fees, 0% sales charge, and 0% switching fees for your unit trust when you invest via POEMS.

Professional Management
Unit trusts are managed by professional fund managers with expertise and experience in investments. Your investments will be monitored regularly and the fund managers will make decisions based on research and analytical tools that you may not have access to.
A unit trust typically invests into a number of stocks and/or bonds in its portfolio that are from different companies and often from different industries or regions. This means that poor performance of any one security or business sector is not likely to have a major adverse impact on your investment as a whole.
Lower Costs
When building a diversified portfolio, the costs associated with buying units in a mutual fund may be lower than buying different individual stocks and bonds. This is due to economies of scale, where the costs of accessing extensive research, as well as administrative, operating and trading expenses are spread among a large number of unit trust investors.
Generally, unit trusts are open-ended investments that investor can buy and sell on a daily basis (unless otherwise stated). Fund management companies are mandated under normal circumstances to meet all “sell” requests from the unit holders.